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Submission Guidelines

Do not go gentle into that villanelle.
Allow yourself a period of remission.
Rage, rage against a rhyming hell.

Why they exist, no laureate can tell
but certain writers like them. Bad decision.
Do not go gentle into that villanelle.

You have a talent? Use the talent well.
You owe the world a lesser imposition.
Rage, rage against a rhyming hell.

Oppose Verse Torture. Why on earth compel
this agony of tedious repetition?
Do not go gentle into that villanelle.

Try analgesics. Anything to quell
the lethal urge. Recite this admonition:
Rage, rage against a rhyming hell.

The form is dead. Attend its passing bell.
Bury the bastard. Sue for demolition.
Do NOT go gentle into that villanelle.
Rage, rage against a rhyming HELL.

Helena Nelson