Lighten Up Online 4: In This Issue
Brendan Beary hurdling through life -
Alanna Blake on a tragedy of Classical parenting
Alison Brackenbury gets that sinking feeling
Tony Cloke rapping for Barack
Karen Doherty finding that extremely small oaks, also, from little acorns grow
Bill Greenwell on Bobby Mugabe
Max Gutmann cooking spaghetti his way
Matt Harvey extolling his shed
Andy Jackson having missed out on almost everything contemporary
Julie Kane ( Associate Professor of English) explaining that much about Olde English poetry is not Merrie
Rosemary Nice unable to sleep
D.A. Prince with new words for an old hymn tune
Susan Richardson with a lament by Penguin’s penguin
Mae Scanlan remembering her piano teacher
George Simmers going Godless in London
Frances Thompson acquiring support from Marks and Spencer
Leo Vincent with nothing to enjoy about being two days old
PLUS - NEWS SECTION reports on beans (truly!), an Arvon Prize commendee from Lighten Up Online
(yes, really!), light verse making it to the shortlist of a heavy poetry competition (blimey, no kidding?), et al.
ALSO - The delights that were COMPETITION 3 and a COMPETITION 4 which the Editor is confident
will produce excellence from the twisted but ingenious minds of Lighten Up Online’s readers.