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Cinquain, Sapphic, rondelet,
Acrostic, etheree, haiku,
Gushi, rondeau redoublé,
Rhopalic, ballade, clerihew,

Little willie, grook, rengay,
Tetractys, quatorzain, cento,
Rondine, nonet, triolet,
Shadorma, concrete verse, sijo,

Xinshi, ghazal, villanelle,
Sestina, naga-uta, lai,
Free verse, pantoum, kyrielle,
Abecedarian, rubai,

Haibun, blank verse, pathya vat,
Urjuzah, renga, canzone,
Dodoitsu, ode, luc bat,
Sedoka, choka, roundelay,

Sonnet, PuSlogh vagh, deibhidhe,
Hyangga, qasidah, mondo,
Ya-du, zejel, shayari,
Pleiadic, mesotich, rondeau,

Ballad, twiner, terzanelle,
Senryu, roundel, telestich,
Cut-up, than-bauk, paradelle,
Jintishi, englyn, limerick.