(After Thomas Hardy)
"Amanda, my dear, this does everything top!
Who could have supposed we should meet in this shop?
And whence such old garments and such poverty?" −
"O didn't you know I'd been married?" said she.
− "You left us in fashion, smart shoes, Gucci bags,
Fond of nights at the opera with young men in Jags,
So why these old jeans with a rip at the knee?" −
"Well that's how we dresses when married," said she.
− "At home we remember your sweet voice and how
You’d say Daahling! and Super! and Frightful!, but now
The way that you’re speaking is quite slovenly.” −
"You loses yer polish with marriage," said she.
− "Your hands were so soft then, your face young and fair
Yet today I'm appalled by your greasy grey hair,
No gloves, dirty fingers and no jewellery. " −
"We has to work hard when we're married," said she.
− "You used to call home-life a glorious dream,
And you'd laugh, and you'd smile; but at present you seem
Too tired for parties or fun by the sea." −
"You gets pretty shattered when married," said she.
− "I wouldn’t want rags and a permanent frown,
Or old worn-out shoes and to trudge about town!" −
"Don’t worry, a single girl, such as you be,
Need not expect that. You ain't married," said she.