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The yellow onion is a perfect culinary treat.
It adds zest both to salads and to soup as well as meat.
It can be grated, diced or sliced or shredded as a slaw,
As well as being fried, parboiled, pickled, or served raw.

Just like a matryoshka doll, each tightly-fitted layer
Can be configured many ways; a Head Chef’s answered prayer.
An onion is so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes,
And when it permeates the air, then everybody cries!

There are, of course Vidalias and Maui onions, too,
But what’s the point of onions, if they’re tasteless in a stew?
Some folks prefer a garlic clove, and some prefer the leek,
Still others prefer shallots, or green onions’ sleek mystique.

But as for me I’m proud to be a yellow onion guy,
Especially with ice cream when they’re baked into a pie.

Mass of brownish yellow onions.