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Today I could grab the sun from the sky
Swallow it down with two cups of coffee and an Alka-Seltzer
Then burp out a supernova
Which would light up the skies on distant planets
Causing creatures with ten legs and two heads
To take the pledge and invent gods

Today I could convert the Atlantic into 1978 claret
And the Pacific into 1981 Chablis
French wine growers would block every road
Between Bordeaux and Paris
With very little effect
Once the Seine flowed with champagne

Today I could sprout angelic wings
Bemusing those who would consider horns more appropriate
Then circle the earth in thirty minutes
Causing much dismay in radar tracking stations
As an unidentifiable blip passes over their static eyes
Singing hallelujahs and farting forgiveness

Today I could die
But, on the balance of possibilities
I consider that unlikely