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Not content with last year winning the prestigious Frost Farm Prize with her poem Buddy, Susan de Sola, a  LUPO contributor since Issue 25 on population pressure, telephone boxes, ski wear, weekend flings, giraffes and other topics, as well as translator, photographer and supplier of digital Dutch cheese wheels and tulips to the editry and gentry, has now appeared in her more serious vein, (including Buddy) with her debut collection Frozen Charlotte. (Able Muse Press 2019).

So, there is LUPO among the acknowledgements, for Closely Observed Postman (Issue 25 September 2014), alongside such mighty organs as The Hudson Review and The Dark Horse . . . Thank you, Susan, more please.

Details can be found at . The official release date is 30 August 2019, but copies can be ordered via Able Muse (above)  and pre-ordered from Amazon at