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The Editor, Martin ParkerIssue 13 sees the start of Lighten Up Online’s fourth year.

In lieu of inviting you to a birthday party with jelly, paper hats and an ageing magician we are sending out this doggy-bag of delights. Perhaps you will want to read its contents under your blankets by torchlight while those who disapprove of light verse are staying up late with the grown-ups.

Inside your goody-bag you will find enough entertainment to test the stamina of any Duracell battery, including :--

Lynn Roberts on daughters: Gail White with a plain man’s guide to a big Russian novel: Leo Vincent spending the kids’ inheritance: Mario Pita sharing his space: Pat D’Amico with a popular corpse: Alanna Blake switching a man on,  Julie Kane hoping to, Eve Best failing to and Frances Thompson unable to resist the result of achieving it. Also you will come across Nick Asbury finding love in Asda, plus the stellar conjunction of Joan Butler, David Hedges, Mae Scanlan, Eileen Sirota, Maryann Corbett, Helena Nelson, Jerome Betts and Janice Soderling.

(Oh, yes; and the results of Competition 12 in which Mae Scanlan and two of her “friends” did rather well!).