Faction prefers closed forms.
Jintishis and qasidas are particularly welcome.
No yadus, please, unless written
Phonetically in Jamaican patois.
The Weasel’s Elbow favours a width
Of between 44 and 46 characters (including spaces.)
Anything featuring words like ‘trombone’ or ‘plesiosaur’
Is unlikely to find a home in this magazine.
Pelvis is heavily biased
Towards poems about the childhood of Blaise Pascal
Although verse employing shoes as a metaphor for British foreign policy
In the late Nineteenth Century may also be considered.
A Deceit of Lapwings only publishes work
By coroners and former Winter Olympians. However,
A special May issue will be devoted entirely to Margarets -
Watch this space for further details.
The Boing! Boing! Review has a reading window
Of three and a half minutes
Once every twenty-eight years,
And you have just missed the latest by a heartbeat.
The Imaginary Igloo insists on hard copies
Word-processed in 11.5 point Lucida Sans Unicode
And posted, unfolded, in a hexagonal mauve envelope
Hand-addressed in the menstrual blood of a wolf.