First, as previously mentioned, here are the titles of the winning film entries in Competition 58.
01. Tootsie
02. The Full Monty
03. Murder On The Orient Express
04. The Hunger Games
05. Hamlet
06. Perils From The Planet Mungo
07. Duck Soup
08. Four Weddings And A Funeral
09. The Birdman Of Alcatraz
10. The Spy Who Came In From The old
11. The Third Man
12. Titanic
13. The Graduate
Competition 59: The Current Crisis
With the media bristling with dire predictions of ballooning energy costs this winter, you are invited to submit your remedies for or comments on the thermal emergency in your own or anyone else’s voice in up to 16 lines by November 25th 2022.
I’m stuck here on this ancient door
To say as many have before
We will be back when autumn’s past
Though fuel bills leave us all aghast.