Felicia Nimue Ackerman: A Feline Message to Hotel Staff
“Hotels marketed as ‘pet friendly’ have primarily
focused on dogs, offering different forms of canine
coddling. More are discovering, however, that
felines might make for more manageable guests”
- The Wall Street Journal
I won't get drunk, nor will I bark.
I won't offend your staff with snark.
I'll be the perfect guest because
I'll purr and I’ll restrain my claws.
∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇
Damian Balassone: Fall of the Mayor
I once was ruler of this town:
a buxom beauty brought me down.
With just a wiggle of her hips
she triggered my apocalypse.
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Russel Winick: Sugar-Free
Sugar is not good for me,
The calories I don’t desire.
But if my food is sugar-free
The calories are even higher.
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Paul Willis: Packing
This shirt, that shirt, the other shirt—which?
Throw this suitcase in the ditch!
Or toss it back inside the closet
and just stay home. This trip? Let’s pause it!
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L.A. Mereoie: Classic Canine
A hound called Caesar used to disobey
Commands to leave the chair he sat in
From anyone unable to display
Some proof that they could speak dog-Latin.
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Max Gutmann: Ophthalmologist
The word ophthalmologist shakes
our confidence, just the effect
it aims for. A jumble, it makes
us feel that our eyes should be checked.
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Rumi Morkin: Preparing for Pesach
My daughter has bought a big jar of gefilte.
Compared to home-cooked, it is really off kilter;
though looking delicious when served on the dish'll
turn out to be tasteless and quite artifish'll !
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Tony Peyser: How The World Works
The check is not in the mail.
The lucky penny doesn’t bring luck.
The warranty has always expired.
The part is never in the truck.
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Felicia Nimue Ackerman: A Traitor To My Generation
" . . . Bedding's Top Sheet Debate,
A Raging Generational Divide"
- Article heading The Wall Street Journal
I’ve always found an upper sheet
A vexing mess around my feet.
Despite my far from tender age,
I'd rather go without this cage.
∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇
Jerome Betts: Avian Example?
A sipping magpie flew away
When I walked down the garden path
And gave me this thought for the day:
Be green! Drink water from your bath!