Now, listen up, Nigel, I've got us a wheeze,
we make loads of money with pictures of trees.
We'll earn admiration and kudos to boot
for saving the planet. I think it's a hoot!
The airlines are desperate to sound like they care
that their carbon emissions are heating the air,
they just need to offer a plausible line
to persuade guilty flyers it's gonna be fine.
They'll pay us a fortune so they can look clean
and won't give a monkey's it's not really green;
we'll spin them some bullshit and film some great shots
of trees saved from logging, and seedlings in pots.
What, certification? We'll fiddle that, too,
and folks will feel better and happy they flew.
Of course it's not ethical, call it a con,
but we'll both make a million, and then we'll be gone.